Curriculum overview

Our curriculum intentions ensure the Eyfs is implemented and is meaningful to our children

We strive to ensure children make good progression whilst in our care, this is assessed through regular observations and in the moment reflections. 

We have created a curriculum that is child centered, with their interest at the heart of what we do. 

Additionally, our skilled staff can identify when additional support is needed and create positive modifications or referrals to assist the child further. 

We motto this as "Walk, talk, be kind, be happy, wonder and woodland.”

A tailored approach to learning, wellbeing, and development

We ensure our environment is fully accessible for the children with the intent to enhance all developmental skills. Our staff will embed provocations to spark interest and curiosity further, which creates further communication, interests, and developmental enhancements.

We have trained behaviour and wellbeing coordinators that continuously make adaptations to improve wellbeing and establish positive behaviour intentions within our nursery.

Core Focus of Our Curriculum

Although we embed every area of the Eyfs, our core focused intentions of our curriculum are:

Communication and Language

Children develop language in three steps: hearing words, linking them to meanings, and imitating them. We enhance vocabulary through activities like Talking Turtle, Rhyming Rabbit, and staff modeling.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Brambles Day Nursery supports well-being through ‘Smile’ training for emotional intelligence and social skills. Younger children form secure attachments with caring staff, fostering safety, trust, and confident exploration.

Physical Development

Physical skills include fine motor (small muscles, e.g., drawing, puzzles) and gross motor (large muscles, e.g., running, climbing). Brambles Day Nursery fosters both through ‘WALK’ curriculum activities for confident development.


At Brambles Day Nursery we enrich literacy with engaging activities like storytelling, rhymes, author visits, a lending library, interactive sessions, and parent topic bags, fostering curiosity and development with trained staff and long-term topics.


Early maths builds problem-solving, reasoning, and creativity. Through fun, hands-on activities, children explore, measure, and create, developing critical thinking and confidence in a vibrant, engaging learning environment.

Understanding the World

Children connect with nature by observing and appreciating their environment. At Brambles Day Nursery, they enjoy African snails, indoor plants, and our own kitchen garden, fostering curiosity and care for the natural world.

Expressive Arts and Design

Expressive Arts and Design fosters creativity through music, dance, storytelling, imaginative play, and art. At Brambles Day Nursery, we host events like Wonder Days, Artist of the Month, and use diverse resources to inspire imagination, cultural appreciation, and artistic expression of your little ones.

What does our curriculum look like?

We use our rooms and outdoor space to create meaningful interactions.

We continuously encourage further learning through play and ensure our environment is stimulating and adaptable to the child’s interests.

Our under 3s have focus rhymes and key words each week. This assists with provocations for focus activities and continuous provision.

Our preschool children vote for their focus story/stories each week, similarly they also have 5 key words to extend their vocabulary too.